Friday, February 22, 2008

Who Are You? Presentation Synopsis

The best way to find out who I am, is to take a peek inside. With this idea in mind, I approached the project by thinking of what the best way to get inside of myself would be. My project is a Powerpoint presentation, in which I use a series of CT scan images of the brain to illustrate and explain myself to the class.

CT scan images, downloaded from the internet, are shown on the screen with highlighted portions that correspond to:

• my interests and hobbies,
• formative events and aspects of my life and childhood,
• and what I plan to do in the future.

The CT images are shown on a computer screen with some text or an image describing the highlighted portions of the brain. I will discuss each in detail.

In the background, there will be an image of myself moving through the CT machine according to the change in brain images.


Alan Dana said...

I have no idea why the colors are coming out wrong on my pictures. Any ideas?

Alan Dana said...

I fixed the pictures!